Sunday, June 30, 2019

Dunwoody High School Robotics Team Seeking Workshop Space

The Dunwoody High School FIRST® robotics team Wildcat5e is searching for a space to carry out the building, testing, and design of projects in the coming years. The FRC (FIRST® robotics competition) team is in need of a workshop that would give reasonable space to function and is within the Dunwoody (30338) area.

Space required would include electrical access (i.e. available outlets) for the use of power tools and equipment. Additionally, another smaller room secluded from the main mechanical space to be used for computer aided design and the hosting of meetings is necessary.

In order to help, either the provision of a workshop or the opportunity to open partnership with the team through sponsorship or donation would be more than appreciated. For any responses, please contact the team coach, Doug McMahon, through either phone or email, 678-982-9622 / For more information about the team and its mission, visit the Wildcat5e website at

Friday, June 14, 2019

My Thoughts: Dunwoody High and Chamblee Charter High Additions

Ok - I'm back on my "rant" on the Dunwoody and Chamblee High additions.  

I admittedly have not kept up with the most recent discussions around the E-SPLOST additions to Chamblee Charter HS and Dunwoody HS, but the forecast data does not seem to support an immediate addition to the current Chamblee HS facility.  Chamblee HS is forecast to be overcapacity by 50 students.  Can the current CCHS facility handle the additional 50 students versus an addition that the current facility cannot handle without significant hardships to the faculty and student body?  

However, it looks like the immediate need is at Dunwoody HS???

The below data reflects the March 2019 FTE reporting period: 

By 2021, Dunwoody HS will be overcapacity by 839 students.  I continue to read and hear that the only solution is to “build a Doraville HS”.  Here’s my comment on that subject:  Even IF a new Doraville HS was built and ONLY non-Dunwoody residents were redistricted (Doraville students from Hightower), Dunwoody HS would still be overcrowded.  See Dunwoody HS attendance map below:

The small area across SR-141 (Peachtree Industrial) is City of Doraville.  The remainder of the Dunwoody HS attendance area is within the Dunwoody city limits.

So, is the argument to redistrict portions of Dunwoody to a new Doraville HS?  Tear apart the Dunwoody community - again?!  What if at some point in the future Dunwoody is allowed to create its own school system.  What are the options at this point?  Overcrowding will still be an issue.  At the rate developers are taking over Dunwoody with storage facilities and gas stations and grocery stores, there will be little land for a new school(s). 

I realize I’m putting forth an idea that may be overwhelmingly unpopular from both Chamble and Dunwoody stakeholders, but what about moving the Chamblee Magnet program to a more central location, redistricting portions of Dunwoody to Chamblee??? (ducks for cover). Chamblee would certainly be closer to many areas of Dunwoody than a Doraville High School.  

There has got to be some outside of the box thinking and planning.  Just “build a Doraville HS” and problem will be solved is not realistic in my opinion.   I don’t know the answer, but it doesn’t seem anyone else does either.  

FTE Data courtesy of the Georgia Department of Education:

Enrollment data courtesy of the DeKalb County School System:

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


I formerly ran the Dunwoody School Daze blog. I took a break from blogging to care for my mother who recently passed away.  My oldest daughter is getting married in August. Life got a little overwhelming for a bit. I’m going to try this blogging thing again and see what happens. I had to give the blog a new name. Blogger would not allow me to reuse the previous name.  I also thought I would incorporate the Chamblee cluster as there many similar issues facing both Dunwoody and Chamblee.

Dunwoody HS Girls Track Team & Chamblee HS Tennis Teams Honored at Board of Education Meeting

The DeKalb County School District Board of Education honored the Dunwoody High School Girls Track and Field Team and the Chamblee Charter High School Boys and Girls Tennis Teams for their recent State Championships.

The Dunwoody High Girls won the 2019 Class 6A state track and field championship on May 11, 2019.

Both Chamblee Teams won the 2019 5A State Tennis Championships.