Friday, August 23, 2019

Georgia DOE - New Rule Proposal - Allow Students to Waive EOC in Lieu of AP and/or IP Tests

At the August 22, 2019 State of Georgia Board of Education Meeting, the State BOE voted to allow the State School Superintendent to initiate a rule change as to amend State Board of Education Rule 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs - Student Assessment

This policy would allow students who pass an Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaurate (IB) course, along with its accompanying test, to be exempt from the EOC Test. 

This new policy does not exempt students from the 9th Grade Literature, Algebra 1, Coordinate Algebra and Biology EOC tests as these are federally mandated tests.

Further information can be found on the agenda item from the meeting.  The Item is B. 14:

This move follows the news that 21 schools districts around the state of Georgia have been given approval to substitute their own tests for the state standardized tests.  2 local school systems, City of Marietta and Clayton County Schools are part of the Georgia MAP Assessment Partnership

Perhaps we're on the way to allowing districts to have more flexibility in the required standardized testing.  One can only hope.


  1. School scores will go down, though, if the students taking the advanced courses don't take the EOC exams.

    It will be hard to measure success and also will be hard to compare year-to-year scores, especially if certain AP courses are only given every other year.

  2. Yes, the GADOE will have to incorporate these results into the CCRPI scoring. Easier said than done I believe.

  3. It's important to worry about "buildings" and "overcrowding", but there are other factors that affect student achievement and I hope communities do not lose site of this and concentrate only on the " physical plant" side of issues.

    I did email my concerns about this new policy to the SBOE. Here is the email address if you wish to comment as well. There will be a public hearing on the proposed rule September 26th at the State Board room. More information can be found at this link:
